Making the movie CZ12 with Jackie Chan

Hard start.

It took one year of negociation to have the luck to step into the movie CZ12 with Jackie Chan. Jean Yves Blondeau could do it because he met Jackie at the last moment, and because he could show him the last suit, Titan. Jackie who loves things well built and good design, made his mind instantly when he finally could see a BUGGY ROLLIN suit in real.

We show you what nobody sees.

On the pictures you can see what we never show for a movie. 1 How the set is made. behind the beautiful library. 2 To make nice travellings very low and dynamic, a camera was fixed vertically in front of a speed car, with a miror to make the point of view lower than the camera would allow. 3 Max is a stunt from germany who wore the suit for all cable works. 4-5 The stunt team repeats every saturday when the rest of the film crew would be off. 6 We can see the entry of the tunnel of first sequence. the orange crane will help for the jump out of the window. 7 the screens that help to control each takes. 8 A lot of activity around jackie after the take around the camera crane. Inside beijing museum. … More explication ? Contact us !

Photo gallery CZ12 with Jackie Chan stunt team

Some videos around CZ12.

Here is the official making of from CZ12 with Jackie Chan.

Here are the post making off by Jean Yves Blondeau

There are six episodes you can see them here.

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